Video Demos

Watch Melynn’s Demo for ClayShareCon 2025 on Using Colored Slips
with Transfers on Jessica Putnam-Phillips’
Youtube Channel.

Rolling a textured mat into a slab of clay.

Another video on how to cut apart the Folklore Plates underglaze transfer.

How to cut apart the Folklore Plates underglaze transfer to be used on a GR Pottery Form.

Applying the Folklore Plates underglaze transfer to the rim of a plate.

How I cut my sponge holder extrusions.

Applying underglaze transfers to clay.

Sponging a bisqued tray with an underglaze transfer.

Using a stencil to “print” on clay.

Transferring the “Pillow Talk” rice paper transfer to a slab.

Applying the pattern, "Ancient Philosopher's Quotes" to a formed bowl.

Applying the "Woodcut Panels" rice paper transfer to a sponge holder.

Throwing a simple cup on the wheel.

Using the stencil, "Flower of Life" to create a texture for a round GR Pottery Form. The rim was made with the scallop foam template.

Removing rice paper underglaze transfers from a mug.

Applying a stencil, then sponging away some of the clay to create depth. Then brushing with colored slip using the stencil as a mask.

Transferring the pattern, "Iznik Mural" newsprint transfer with multiple colored slips onto a slab.

Kim Mitchell demonstrating how to use a stencil with a GR Pottery Form and the WA.

Pressing a GR Pottery Form into clay.

Maisy on the sand bar.

Removing a stencil after forming a plate with a GR Pottery Form.

Using a tissue transfer as a mask.

Applying the pattern, "Plants and Flowers" tissue transfer to a formed piece.

Applying a tissue transfer to a test tile.

Comparing 2 different processes for applying newsprint transfers onto clay.

Pushing a GR Pottery Form into a plate made with a foam template and a stencil for texture.

Pushing a GR Pottery Form into a butter dish.

Pushing a square GR Pottery Form into a plate with applied underglaze transfers.

Transferring the grey "Herringbone" rice paper underglaze transfer to a slab.

Transferring both a rice paper and tissue underglaze transfer to a slab.

Rolling a fern into clay.

A quick demo on water abrasion and using stencils. So the area under the stencil stays raised while sponging away the clay around it. It's the opposite effect of rolling a thicker type stencil onto clay to create depth.

Making a plate using the Folklore Plates underglaze transfer and a GR Pottery Form.

Finishing off a plate impressed with a stencil design and formed with a GR Pottery Form and the WA System.

Using a foam template to cut a shape out of clay.

Using a stencil to create texture.

Removing a stencil after forming a bowl using 2 stacked GR Pottery Forms.

Applying the pattern, "Iznik Mural" tissue transfer to a leather hard cup.

Making a plate and adding a foot using a GR Pottery Form.

Sharing one of my processes for adding rice paper transfers to mugs.

Applying the pattern, “Portugal Tiles” to a cylinder.

Applying rice paper stencils to a slab.

Applying a newsprint transfer with colored slips onto a slab.

Transferring a newsprint transfer with different colored slips to a slab.

Transferring the pattern, "Pillow Talk" rice paper transfer to a slab.

The Making of a Garlic Grater Bowl

Applying a newsprint transfer with multiple colored slips onto a cup.